What software will work with quickcam pro by logitech?

Ray Parrish crp at cmc.net
Fri Feb 20 08:18:59 UTC 2009

<Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 20:08 -0500, Mark Pyles wrote:
>> quickcam pro webcam 

I have found that often there are good references right on my own 
system, that teach me more about Linux than I've learned anywhere else 
so far. The following link it to a How To that is probably already on 
your computer.. [note the "file" protocol at the start of the link]


If that link doesn't work for you, open Synaptic, and search on 
"linux-nonfree", and install the documentation package that is 
available. It has How To's on a very wide variety of Ubuntu specific 

I hope this helps you get our web cam set up.

Later, Ray Parrish

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