Help Ubuntu 8.10 X server has started crashing 1-2 per day

Lucio M Nicolosi lmnicolosi at
Fri Feb 20 05:11:40 UTC 2009

Thomas Wolf wrote:
> Sorry about that - I forgot to set Thunderbird to do text-only for 
> domain.  Hope this one makes it as plain text.
> Do I have to repeat my question in order for the experts to 
> read/respond to my question?
> Thanks in advance for the heads-up.
> tom
> On 02/19/2009 12:14 AM, Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
>> Thomas Wolf wrote:
>>> Thanks for any info (and novice instructions on how to fix things).
>>> tom
>> When posting to this list please use "text" format instead of "HTML". 
>> Some experts won't even open HTML posts.
>> L.


The stylish gray background suggests that you are still posting in HTML. 
Also, if you are following the other messages, you might have noted that 
the rule is to bottom post, never top post. Some people get very angry 
at it and tend to lose their temper. I can't remember where these 
instructions are stated (learned quietly by example). I wonder why they 
do not appear at the bottom of every message, as a warning for newbies, 
along with some warning such "Beware! Angry Experts".
As for your problem, I don't think I can help you, I 'm just a curious 
guy, not a wise one. If I understood correctly, your Gnome session 
aborts, not the OS. Perhaps you could tell us exactly what you were 
doing when it happens, if the aborts are not completely random, or how 
loaded your system was (I guess the bug refers to systems with high 
load). I would also try to run the system as bare as possible, without a 
second monitor, Compiz, etc. and check if it still aborts, this would 
limit the number of the possible culprits and ease the job of the 
precious helpful hands.

As for the experts, even top posted in HTML, most of the relevant 
questions are eventually answered (sometimes in weird exotic languages) 
and some of the absolutely OT irrelevant also.



Lucio M. Nicolosi, Eng. - São Paulo - Brazil
Lat.:  23°34'4.79"S - Long.: 46°39'59.53"W
email: lmnicolosi at - skype: lmnicolosi1
Linux Registered User #481505 -

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