download and install

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Thu Feb 19 21:42:18 UTC 2009

Jeremy Tyree wrote:
> I downloaded avg freeware, not that I think I need an anit-virus, but 
> just to be safe, I did, wouldn't install.
you need to download the deb file for Debian/Ubuntu.
Then open a shell and navigate to where you stored your downloaded file.
sudo dpkg -i avg75fld-r51-a1243.i386.deb

Alternatively, clicking on the file with your mouse should get you the same.

Then the installation is done for you.

You can operate avg free very similar to it's Windows companion via the gui.

For doing anything that needs more privileges than you have as a user, 
ex. updating the virus database, you will need to use sudo:
sudo avggui

This is all about it.


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