ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 54, Issue 186

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Thu Feb 19 01:55:40 UTC 2009

Nay Myo Win wrote:

> how can i check the question I asked mailing to
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com , insteading of posting in launchpad??
> do i have to open digest and scan every topics??

No - and if you ask questions like this, I guarantee you won't get answers
at all.

There's no question here.

Responding to "ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 54, Issue 186" provides no help at
all to those of us who don't get the digest (and not much help to those who

Digests are handy for those who just want to lurk, and to those with decent
mail software who know how to properly use them, but _please_ don't expect
help if you post here in response to an entire digest.  If you want to ask
questions and receive answers, please set your mailing list options to not
use digests.

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