heads up, folks: random vnc (remote desktop) attempts

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 00:23:31 UTC 2009

Chris Mohler wrote:

> A false sense of security there, IMO.  What's to prevent installing

Of course. I agree.

> some software in ~/.something/somewhere or /tmp/somewhere that's doing

BTW, on a related note, can't one take away execute permissions from
/tmp for added security?

> <insert_something_dodgy_here>?  Maybe listening on certain ports,
> scanning your LAN for other targets, sending spam, logging keystrokes,
> etc.  Even without getting rooted, leaving VNC (or any other network
> service) wide-open is a recipe for disaster - regardless of OS.

Yes, totally agree here too. I found this to be interesting:


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