Another reason to prefer a real root over sudo

Steve Lamb grey at
Mon Feb 16 08:23:39 UTC 2009

Chris G wrote:
> On the other hand the second password gives extra security.  I have
> outside ssh access to my machine but root ssh access is not allowed.
> Thus if anyone does break in by guessing (or finding by other means)
> my password they still don't get root access because I have sudo
> privileges turned off.

    There are better ways to handle this than having a password on root.

1. Public key only logins on ssh - They can't guess your password until
they've broken into the syste, since ssh refuses to authenticate via passwords.

2. knockd - ssh just doesn't answer until you tell it do

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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