What do I need to make Lightning work with thunderbird

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 16 04:58:59 UTC 2009

On 02/15/2009 10:12 AM, Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Mark Pyles wrote:
>> Hi everyone:
>> I have been having the absolute worst time with trying to get lightning 
>> 0.9 to work with thunderbird I am using Ubuntu 8.04(gnome 
>> desktop) on a Dell Inspiron 1525 and don't know what I need to use 
>> lightning. Does it require access to some outside calendar? If so, which 
>> one? It does not work as a stand alone. I cannot use the calendar and 
>> none of the buttons on the toolbar such as Day, Week, MultiWeek, Month, 
>> etc work or do anything at all when I click on them. Am I missing 
>> something? Is there something else that I need to make lightning work 
>> the way it is supposed to? Thank you.
>> Mark
> Mark,
> Lightning works exceptionally well as a standalone application. Normally 
> you open thunderbird and then you swith between mail (thunderbird), 
> calendar and tasks (lightning).
> In calendar, your screen should change according whether you click on 
> day/week/month.
> In order to make an appointment, simply click on the day and time you 
> wish to have it, either by left-doubleclick or by right-click/choose option.
> I am unclear what of this does NOT work on your desktop?
> Furthermore, are you using the thunderbird package from the ubuntu repos 
> or the one directly downloaded from mozilla.org?
> Actually both of them do work in combination with lightning, but there 
> possibly could be differences in how to install the lightning addon.
> I am using Intrepid 32bit with Thunderbird from the ubuntu 
> repositories and lightning 0.9, installed as an addon from mozilla.org
> Eberhard

Sunbird is the standalone app, lightning is the extention to Thunderbird:



@Mark: I notice your comment on

However, Thunderbird & Lightning (both installed directly from
mozilla.org work) without any issue on my 8.04 systems. I've another
system that has a "Ubuntu" Thunderbird on it, so I tried installing the
Ubuntu repo 'lightning-extension' - the result is that it seems to work
fine there as well.

Perhaps you have basic issues with your Thunderbird install?

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