Flash player 8

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Sun Feb 15 09:27:12 UTC 2009

On Sun, 2009-02-15 at 01:51 -0500, Mark Pyles wrote:
> I am running Ubuntu 8.04 (gnome desktop) and I am trying to watch some
> instructional videos but I can't due to I have a message on my screen 
> that I need to upgrade to flash player 8.

The problem here is not you nor Firefox/flash, but moronic web
programmers who test whether you have exactly version 8, and if not they
show you a hardcoded "upgrade!" message. These idiots forgot to take
into account that you might have 9 or higher. Probably they coded the
page a few years ago and never got around to updating their braindead
version test.  I have come across such sites several times.

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