help browser consistently crashing in Hardy

H.S. hs.samix at
Sat Feb 14 20:14:19 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:

> Same problem here on 32bit 8.04.2. Unfortunately:
> will result in responses to bugs like this from 223918:
> "Thanks for the bug report. This particular bug has already been
> reported, but feel free to report any other bugs you find."

Isn't it ironical that the help browser of an OS touted as being user
friendly itself is worthless in this way!! :O

Any way, thanks for the confirming the bug. Proves it is not just this
machine here.

> Note that in About Help it shows a nonexistent package name:
> Help 2.22.1
> It's actually Yelp 2.22.1

Who knows, perhaps yelp is not such a high priority package in Hardy.
But I was expecting better standards in LTS releases though.

Warm regards.


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