Scripting Question

Derek Broughton derek at
Sat Feb 14 15:52:09 UTC 2009

Patton Echols wrote:

> I have a fairly massive flat file, comma delimited, that I want to
> extract info from.  Specifically, I want to extract the first and last
> name and email addresses for those who have them to a new file with just
> that info. (The windows database program that this comes from simply
> will not do it)  I can grep the file for the @ symbol to at least
> exclude the lines without an email address (or the @ symbol in the notes
> field)  But if I can figure this out, I can also adapt what I learn for
> the next time.  Can anyone point me in the right direction for my "light
> reading?"

Is this somthing that really needs to be scripted?  If you do it once a
year, I'd open the file in OpenOffice, and resave just what I want.

Otherwise, I'd use python and the cvs module :-)

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