ubuntu 8.10 64bit

Lucio M Nicolosi lmnicolosi at gmail.com
Sat Feb 14 01:04:51 UTC 2009

Ilan Goldenberg wrote:
> I just installed it a few days ago, I cant hear sound on youtube and 
> cant install skype, also I use the free sms of Icq and dont know how 
> to use this trough Figyn program, I also use voice chat on yahoo and 
> dont know how to do it on Figyn.
> Youre help is most appriciated, thanks in advance, Ilan


Skype:  Please (for instance) check 
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=925211 on how to install it.

Pidgin: (to my knowledge) No voice chat available.

Antivirus: I'll probably not need one. Follow Mario's advice.

You will find an ICQ compatible at Applications/Add Remove (search ICQ). 
I'm not sure how compatible it is.)

Sound on YouTube? I suppose you have Adobe  Flash 64 beta or something 
like it otherwise you wouldn't have image. I guess you have to fiddle 
with your audio configurations but I might be very wrong, better wait 
for the wizards.


Lucio M. Nicolosi, Eng.
São Paulo - Brazil
Lat.:  23°34'4.79"S
Long.: 46°39'59.53"W

email: lmnicolosi at gmail.com
skype: lmnicolosi1

Linux Registered User #481505

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