OT Internet wars

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk
Fri Feb 13 07:23:32 UTC 2009

> Thanks for the clarification.  You are most likely correct.
> But, I'll have to wait for another upgrade to come up to
> check it myself using aptitude upgrade(err, that's safe-upgrade).
> Would be nice to get over 3 times my download rate-:))

I have heard a lot of talk about how them ISPs you have in the States 
were supposed to have delivered fibre connections to homes a decade ago 
or something. Something about a Telecom Act of sorts way back in the 

If that is true, you should ALREADY be on a 10mbit fibre connection if 
not faster.

Some interesting links I found.

Big talk from telcos...maybe they did the same sort of stuff a decade 
ago too.

Telco blocking fibre deployment

Another telco blocking fibre deployment

I really think them telcos you have need a severe beating. Here in Hong 
Kong, PCCW deserves a severe beating too. If only the OFTA would use its 
teeth. Things are getting sad over here without the British being in 
charge...not that their governance is perfect. Anyhow, them Internet 
wars need a nuke to end them. Good luck getting the FCC to deliver.

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