setting up HP 4050 with network adapter

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Fri Feb 13 03:42:06 UTC 2009

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Wade Smart <wade at> wrote:
> Chris Mohler wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Wade Smart <wade at> wrote:
>>> Chris Mohler wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Wade Smart <wade at> wrote:
>>>>> wadesmart at wadesmart:~$ telnet
>>>>> Trying
>>>>> Connected to
>>>>> Escape character is '^]'.
>>>>> HP JetDirect
>>>>> Please type "?" for HELP, or "/" for current settings
>>>>>  > /
>>>>>    ===JetDirect Telnet Configuration===
>>>>>        Firmware Rev.   : G.08.49
>>>>>        MAC Address     : 08:00:09:6e:f7:6b
>>>>>        Config By       : USER SPECIFIED
>>>>>        IP Address      :
>>>>>        Subnet Mask     :
>>>>>        Default Gateway :
>>>>>        Syslog Server   :
>>>>>        Idle Timeout    : 90 Seconds
>>>>>        Set Cmnty Name  : Not Specified
>>>>>        Host Name       : PAL5U006
>>>>>        Default Get Cmnty : Enabled
>>>>>        DHCP Config     : Disabled
>>>>>        Passwd          : Disabled
>>>>>        IPX/SPX         : Enabled
>>>>>        DLC/LLC         : Disabled
>>>>>        Ethertalk       : Disabled
>>>>>        Banner page     : Enabled
>>>>>  >
>>>>> Yes, I can connect.
>>>> Good.  How about the CUPS config and/or netcat?  I only mention the
>>>> netcat test because I had to do some esoteric stuff in the past with
>>>> LaserJet 4MV (that was on a localtalk/ethernet bridge) and I needed to
>>>> bypass CUPS to make sure the printer was available and accepting
>>>> postscript (before I went nutty trying to mess w/the pap backend)...
>>>> Chris
>>> 20090212 1906 GMT-5
>>> Ah, sorry about that... forgot to paste that:
>>> wadesmart at wadesmart:~$ cat /usr/share/cups/data/ | nc
>>> <printer_ip> 9100
>>> bash: printer_ip: No such file or directory
>> Sorry - I wanted you to put the printer's IP there, like:
>> cat /usr/share/cups/data/ | nc 9100
>> I should not have been so lazy ;)
>>> When I installed the printer this time I did start from scratch.
>>> The driver is:
>>> HP LaserJet 4000 Foomatic/hpijs, hpijs - HPLIP 2.8.2
>> Driver seems OK - how about a test page?  What about the cups URI
>> (sys->admin->printing, then right-click the printer, select
>> properties).
>> Chris
> 20090212 2044 GMT-5
> wadesmart at wadesmart:~$ cat /usr/share/cups/data/ | nc
> 9100
> %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
> Device URI: ipp://

When I make a new printer with "AppSocket/HP JetDirect" as the
backend, the URI begins with "socket://".  Are you sure you're
selecting JetDirect when setting up the printer?

In other words, I don't think the URI should start with "ipp://" -
that's likely why it keeps spitting out those pages...


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