OT Internet wars

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 19:42:25 UTC 2009

drew einhorn wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
>> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>>> What about DirecTV or some other satellite provider?
>> Better than dial-up, no better than QWest DSL in terms of service (and a
>> much slower link).
> Check the fine print on what happens if you actually use the satellite
> provider's bandwidth.
> My information is quite stale and may not be accurate.
> Some have very low quotas on how much traffic you are allowed to generate?
> What are those limits?
> What happens if you exceed the limit?
> If you exceed the limits and you are punished, how long does it take
> until the punishment is lifted?
> Can you tell how close to the limits you are, and cut back on your
> usage to avoid the penalties?
> In the past some satellite providers refused to provide answers to the
> above questions.
> I don't know what any of the providers current policies are.
> For example, you need to know if you can download a Ubuntu
> installation .iso without being severely punished.
>> --
>> derek
>> --
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    Guys, here is what I did this morning. I called Qwest and arranged 
for what they call "Broadband Basic" which costs $10.00/mo and also 
ordered 1.5GB/sec Internet speed for $5.00/mo over the 250kb speed. This 
will get me away from the fight between the local company I know have, 
who is in court with Qwest.

    My solution for email is gmail.com and as you can see I'm already 
using this. When this is all cut over on Feb. 17 I will still have the 
Internet but much faster, loose the old k5di at zianet.com I have had for 
years, but Gmail will still work, barring all the things that can change 



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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