Good tools for creating tables, including CSS setup, recommendations?

Chris G cl at
Thu Feb 12 15:54:30 UTC 2009

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 08:45:59AM -0500, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> Chris G wrote:
> > Word processors do the job moderately well but, as I discovered,
> > they're not very good at writing the output in HTML.  If it was easy
> > and fairly transparent to display word processor documents on a web
> > page that would be my answer.
> Sorry just jumping in here, but since you said that about word 
> processors, you already tested openoffice's translation of HTML/ODT? I 
> didn't see what tools you've already tried and/or why they aren't 
> displaying properly or working right for display in a web browser.
Yes, I almost thought I was there using OpenOffice and its HTML
Export, it did manage quite well but there were some oddities in its
handling of border styles.  Since I specifically wanted good control
over border styles I decided to have another look around.

It's also a bit clumsy having to use Export all the time to save the
file, there's no way of getting it back directly and it didn't seem
possible to save as a Writer file as well so that was a bit of a
problem too.

However the alpha version of kompozer 0.80 seems to be doing what I
want, I haven't managed to break it or crash it yet.  :-)

Chris Green

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