Good tools for creating tables, including CSS setup, recommendations?

Chris G cl at
Thu Feb 12 13:25:30 UTC 2009

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 07:32:53AM -0500, Alex Katebi wrote:
>    Hi Chris,
>        It seems that you want a tool that does your programming for you. I
>    have not seen such a tool yet. If you find it let me know because I want
>    to run it at my work to do my job :).
But HTML *isn't* a program.  I am a programmer, I've been programming
in C, C++, Java and sundry other things as my job since around 1970
(OK, it wasn't C way back then).

I just want to be able to draw a table and have it appear on my screen
so I can refer to its contents.  It's very much *not* a programming
problem.  You can do it by hand on a sheet of paper, there are no
algorithms or methods involved, no sequence of operations.

Word processors do the job moderately well but, as I discovered,
they're not very good at writing the output in HTML.  If it was easy
and fairly transparent to display word processor documents on a web
page that would be my answer.

>    Take a look at SQLite, it might be what you are looking for.
What?!  You haven't understood what I'm after if you think that's the
answer.  I'm not talking about a table as in a database, it's a table
as in a series of boxes joined together and displayed.  I know there
is a connection in that one very often displays the contents of a
database table in a 'visible' table but it's the details of the
appearance of the boxes etc. that I am having trouble with.

Chris Green

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