Memory and Paging

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Feb 11 20:44:01 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 13:26 -0700, John Hubbard wrote:
> 1) Have a process running that 'owns' a certain amount of memory (enough 
> to run bash/top/kill/pidof and a few other small programs) and keeps 
> this memory from being paged out. 
> 2) Enough memory set aside for SSHD to allow a new connection. 
> 3) Some way to ssh in and access that memory owning process or request 
> memory from that process. 
> Is there any way to do these things? 

You want to look into /etc/security/limits.conf which belongs to the
package libpam-modules. There you can limit the memory that is available
to a user to some value that is less than the available memory. Same for
other parameters like cpu usage. See, in particular, here:
But also check out the root of the document:

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