WinSCP to Ubuntu SFTP charset problem

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Wed Feb 11 18:48:55 UTC 2009

olopopo wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I'm guessing if one of you has ever had this issue when copying files from
> Windoze to Ubuntu:
> I have a Windoze box that runs a WinSCP (SFTP client) against a Ubuntu SSH
> (SFTP server). Everything works fine when I copy files, but when files have
> special characters (Windoze's language is Spanish, so text may have ñ,á,ó,
> and so) the Ubuntu server (utf8) shows them as a unrecognized char.

This is just an issue with the filenames, right?

> On WinSCP files show OK, then this makes me guess that WinSCP always uses
> iso8859-1 or iso8859-15 even if you set the force option to utf8.
> Does anyone had this problem?

(read the whole thread).  It's basically the same problem, except you
use ISO/IEC 8859-15 (but are you sure it's not Windows-1252) instead of

> I know i can iconv the text files after copying, but that's just a poor
> patch.

You know about convmv (

> Is WinSCP's fault?

The root problem is probably that your filenames are stored in
Windows-1252, not UTF-16.

 If this is so (that i guess) Is there a GPL/free win32
> SFTP (version 5) client out there?

You know WinSCP is GPL, right?  You can try Putty
though, which is under a free license (MIT) but not GPL.  PSFTP is the
SFTP client.

> my only hope is that I find a SFTP java client that supports conversion to utf8.

Why Java?

Matt Flaschen

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