How to Enable GUI ( Graphical User interfcae in FEDORA CORE Release 4

John Hubbard ender8282 at
Wed Feb 11 15:34:14 UTC 2009

Douglas Khumalo wrote:
> One of my PC is running on Fedora Core Release 4. I just inherited 
> this machine, the person who was using it, disabled the GUI, all I 
> want is to bring back GUI, what should I do, if at all one can have a 
> solution to this.
The big question is was the GUI uninstalled or just disabled.  If it was 
just disabled then after starting up the system log in.  From the 
command line type
and you should launch the gui.  If you need more help on setting the gu 
up to start at boot try a Fedora Core list.  Hope this helps.


To be or not to be, that is the question
                2b || !2b
(0b10)*(0b1100010) || !(0b10)*(0b1100010)
        0b11000100 || !0b11000100
        0b11000100 || 0b00111011
        255, that is the answer.

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