Dave Woyciesjes
woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 11 14:50:24 UTC 2009
> Rashkae wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 02/10/2009 02:32 PM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>>> I am building a new computer...
>>>> Does anyone know if 1.8 volts will harm a DDR3 ram? I have not
>>>> looked to see if I can drop the the voltage from the BIOS. Has anyone
>>>> had luck with this?
>>>> Karl
>>> Only with Puppy Linux...
>>> I think Ubuntu uses 12 volts.
>> Karl's in luck, the memory specification states that DDR3 can withstand
>> a maximume of 1.975 volts without suffering damage.
>> However, installing DDR3 in the DDR2 socket will be very stiff..
>> Initially, lots of pressure will be needed when inserting the RAM to
>> mold the new notch properly.
> "Mold the notch properly..." Oh, you mean destroy the RAM socket on the
> motherboard. Got it. Even you managed to get the thing seated, the
> timings are probably wrong and it's not likely to work anyway.
> The "Ubuntu uses 12 volts" comment made by NoOp was nonsense. Ubuntu has
> nothing to do with the voltage rating of RAM and using Puppy Linux isn't
> going to magically reduce the voltage supplied to the RAM.
Those 2 comment are also what is commonly referred to as "jokes".
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech - http://certification.comptia.org/
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst - http://www.ThinkHDI.com/
"From there to here,
From here to there,
Funny things
are everywhere."
--- Dr. Seuss
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