setting up HP 4050 with network adapter

Wade Smart wade at
Wed Feb 11 14:37:32 UTC 2009

Mark Haney wrote:
> Wade Smart wrote:
>>> Try: ipp://
>> 20090210 2133 GMT-5
>> Nothing.
>> "Not Connected?
>> Printer LJ4050 may not be connected."
>> Wade
> I looks to me like the JD card isn't on the network.  You can't
> communicate with it at all.  Have you tried connecting directly to the
> JD card with a crossover cable just to see if the thing works?

20090211 0836 GMT-5

I'll borrow one this morning.

But, if its getting a IP from the router, and it is holding it in memory 
- would it not be working?

Though I guess something else could be wrong.


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Linux since June 2005

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