setting up HP 4050 with network adapter

Wade Smart wade at
Wed Feb 11 03:33:52 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
> On 02/10/2009 06:11 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
>> Wade Smart wrote:
>>> Mark Haney wrote:
>>>> The Jetdirect card uses port 9100 to print to.  you're config will have
>>>> to reflect that.
>>>> Quick question, can you telnet to port 9100?  Assuming you're still
>>>> using the JD card.
>>> 20090210 1903 GMT-5
>>> My config does reflect that.
>>> wadesmart at wadesmart:~$ telnet
>>> telnet: could not resolve Name or service not known
>>> wadesmart at wadesmart:~$
>> 20090210 2010 GMT-5
>> I found a post in another forum that said the OP needed to put 
>> hp://ip:port for the address.
>> Wade
> Try: ipp://
20090210 2133 GMT-5


"Not Connected?
Printer LJ4050 may not be connected."


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Linux since June 2005

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