Firefox lock file?

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Feb 11 00:36:53 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
> On 02/10/2009 06:48 AM, Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
> [snips]
> You can find out if files in your home directory are
>> owned by a user other than yourself by running in your home directory:
>> find . ! -user username -ls
>> This will give you a list of the files with the wrong ownership.
> Good suggestion. You might want to pipe that to a text file so that you
> can easily view it if the output is too long:
> find . ! -user username -ls > ownership
I tried to reply to this a couple of hours ago, but the message got 
passed to the moderator for being too big. I've also been a bit slow in 
answering due to being sick.

Here are the error messages tossed by the above command -

ray at ray-desktop:~$ cd ~/
ray at ray-desktop:~$ find . ! -user ray -ls > ownership.txt
find: ./.local/share/Trash/files/rkhunter-1.3.4/files: Permission denied
find: ./.synaptic: Permission denied
find: ./.mozilla/default/grybzfit.slt: Permission denied
find: ./.kde4/share/apps/kgrubeditor: Permission denied
find: ./.dbus: Permission denied
find: ./.gconf/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/rtsp: Permission denied
find: ./.gconf/apps/firestarter/client/filter: Permission denied
find: ./.gconf/apps/firestarter/firewall: Permission denied
find: ./.gconf/apps/gnome-settings/EtherApe: Permission denied
find: ./.gconf/apps/gedit-2/preferences/editor/current_line: Permission 
find: ./.gconf/apps/gedit-2/preferences/editor/colors: Permission denied
find: ./.gconf/apps/totem/plugins/youtube: Permission denied

And the output of the command to the file is posted at -

I'm not in a hurry to issue a broadcast chown on these files, and would 
like to know if anyone can tell me which ones need to be moved back to 
their original places, and where that might be. I still can't believe I 
was stupid enough to move them in the first place.

Later, Ray Parrish

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