setting up HP 4050 with network adapter

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Tue Feb 10 21:55:32 UTC 2009

Wade Smart wrote:
> Chris Mohler wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Wade Smart <wadesmart at> wrote:
>> [...]
>>> I printed a configuration page from the printer and it shows
>>> Host Name: PAL5U006
>>> Config by: dhcp
>>> ip
>>> def gateway is
>> Is that a typo on the gateway?
>> What is the LAN IP of your PC?  Is it 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x?
>> IIRC, it should respond to pings...
>> Chris
> 20090210 1538 GMT-5
> Sorry:
> Using Network Tools, Ping - no pints returned.
> Wade

20090210 1547 GMT-5

I tired hp-probe and choose number 1 (network/Ethernet)
and it immediately responds:

error: Unable to send broadcast SLP packet: (1, 'Operation not
permitted') warning: No devices found on the 'net' bus. If this isn't
the result you are expecting,

warning: check your network connections and make sure your internet
warning: firewall software is disabled.

I looked at Firestarter and unchecked all the filters - didnt seem to help.

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