Do you use Me-TV with ATSC, if so it could use testing for Jaunty

BrainDrip braindrip at
Tue Feb 10 20:17:04 UTC 2009


I am a fan of Me-TV.  I live in the US which uses ATSC.  But the current 
releases of Me-TV do not contain ATSC support because there were not 
enough ATSC users for testing and debugging.  So I started my own branch 
to help the Me-TV author get ATSC back in the fold.  But as of right now 
I am the only ATSC user helping out and that is simply not enough.  I am 
looking for other ATSC users who use or might use Me-TV to help test and 
debug ATSC support in Me-TV.  The Me-TV author will be very soon hoping 
to upload a new release of Me-TV to Debian experimental and request a 
sync with Jaunty.  This is going to happen real quick so if you would 
like to see ATSC support for Jaunty, you need to get cracking.

Here's the branch:
Do note that Launchpad seems to occasionally change the branch status to 
merge, just ignore it as I am working to figure out why and solve it.

As for myself I don't really care if it gets into Jaunty or not as I am 
content to always build from source, but I will be submitting my ATSC 
report the the Me-TV author tonight or on Wed.  Please help me out or if 
you know someone who would like to participate please let them know 
about this.  Thank you.


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