Vlc won't play DVD's on Ubuntu, or Kubuntu Intrepid

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 21:12:05 UTC 2009

Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Saturday 07 February 2009 18:31, Mario Vukelic wrote:
>> On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 17:30 +0100, Nigel Henry wrote:
>>> Why others, Karl for example have no problem with vlc on Intrepid
>>> though, is a
>>> mystery,
>> Me too. As for Karl, I filter his posts and don't trust a word in his
>> problem and non-problem statements alike.
>>> but we all have different hardware of course.
>> I think you have hit the nail on the head. You might want to try and
>> disable PulseAudio, then set vlc to use the ALSA sound system instead.
>> PulseAudio is known to have problems on some pretty common hardware.
> Hi Mario.
> Did an apt-get remove pulseaudio, but no change when trying to play a dvd on 
> Intrepids vlc 0.9.4. I didn't expect removing pulseaudio to resolve the 
> problem, as the same problem existed on Kubuntu Intrepid, and pulseaudio is 
> not installed on that. Anyway, it was worth a try. I did also try various 
> audio out options on vlc as well, after removing pulseaudio.
    To those who throw stones I have this to say: I am rich from selling 
my own company 13 years ago. While working we made some very fine things 
which you may have at your home right now.

    As for my claim that VLC works for me on Intrepid I can not prove it 
to anyone but if you want anything from my Intrepid I will send it. Here 
is my version of vlc:

VLC version 0.9.4 Grishenko
Compiled by buildd at rothera.buildd
Compiler: gcc version 4.3.2 (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu10)
This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
see the file named COPYING for details.
Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file.
karl at Poor-old-8:~$


> I know that when I installed both Kubuntu, and Ubuntu Intrepid on this 
> machine, I had problems with the display, and had to borrow an xorg.conf from 
> another distro on the same machine to get the graphics working ok.
> Could you post me your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. Perhaps I could compare it 
> with mine. Maybe there are some things that are missing in mine, loaded 
> modules for example.
> I can easily resolve the problem with vlc on Ubuntu Intrepid, by removing the 
> Intrepid vlc, and Installing the Hardy version of vlc 0.8.6a, which I know 
> works fine on Kubuntu Intrepid, and there is no reason why it should not work 
> on Ubuntu Intrepid. That said, it would be nice to find out just why the 
> Intrepid version of vlc will not work on my hardware, whereas Totem, Ogle, 
> Kaffeine, and Xine have no problems playing dvd's.
> This is no big deal. I've a bunch of distros on this machine that will play 
> dvd's using vlc with no problem, and both Kubuntu, and Ubuntu Intrepid will 
> play dvd's using other players. I'm just puzzled as to what the problem is 
> with the qt version of vlc 0.9.4 on my Kubuntu, and Ubuntu Intrepid installs, 
> yet the Hardy version 0.8.6a (wxWidgets interface) plays dvd's ok on Kubuntu 
> Intrepid, and no doubt will, if I install it on Ubuntu Intrepid.
> Perhaps we should draw this thread to a conclusion. It's not like I can't play 
> dvd's, as other players work fine, but simply that I have a problem with the 
> Intrepid version of vlc on my hardware, which can't play dvd's for some 
> reason or other.
> Nigel.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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