Asus Aspire One Network Woes

Graham Watkins at
Sun Feb 8 13:57:19 UTC 2009


I've just installed Intrepid onto an Aspire One notebook for a friend of 
mine.  However, I am having intermittent networking problems.  It has 
connected long enough to download and install 245 updates (this may be 
where the problem started) and Virtual Box (he wants MS Access) but 
after the last restart the network was disconnected and I could not 
persuade it to connect.

To connect at all, I had to connect the ethernet cable from my desktop 
box to the notebook.  Switch off the modem, switch it back on and then 
start the notebook.  This has worked but it isn't working now.  When I 
start up, the network icon shows that the network is being searched for 
but it then  reports it as disconnected.  Attempts to reconnect fail.

If it's worked before surely it can be made to work again.   All tips 
gratefully received.


Graham Watkins

"To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows
box, you just need to work on it."
SecurityFocus columnist Scott Granneman.

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