Upgrade libXt-devel

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 23:47:20 UTC 2009

Masood Ahmed wrote:
> On Sunday 08 February 2009 03:22:04 Jose Rodriguez wrote:
>> Searching online i found this
>> *It is looking for /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h, which is in the
>> libXt-develpackage.
>> *
>> *You can try installing that package, but it (and libX11-devel) should have
>> been installed as part of the "X Software Development" group. I guess you
>> didn't install that whole thing. I always install all development tools,
>> including all of the optional packages, when creating a new Linux system.*
>> My question is, how do i upgrade or reinstall that library or the X
>> Software Development??? Im not sure if what i found applies for Ubuntu b/c
>> after that he suggests to use "yum" to update the library while we can use
>> apt-update or aptitude or synaptic.
> You can install the headers by using the following command on Ubuntu:
> sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
> Hope that helps,
> Masood Ahmed
    Hi and thank you! That made the compile go a lot further but now it 
stops for a reason I do not understand thus:

checking for libtcl8.4... -L../lib -ltcl8.4
checking for init.tcl... ../lib/tcl8.4
checking for http.tcl... ../lib/tcl8.4/http1.0
checking Tcl http.tcl library... yes
checking for tclsh8.4.18... no
checking for tclsh8.4... ../bin/tclsh8.4
checking for tk.h... -I../include
checking for libtk8.4... -L../lib -ltk8.4
checking for tk.tcl... ../lib/tk8.4
checking for X11 header files
can't find X includes
otcl-1.13 configuration failed! Exiting ...
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karl at karl-hardy:~/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.33$



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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