New user

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at
Sat Feb 7 10:43:44 UTC 2009

alan c wrote:
> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>> Raquel wrote:
> [...]
>> Like I said, it's the hardware.  It's not a coincidence that you both
>> have fairly new machines.
> Yes,  and just to explain more fully to newcomers, many manufacturers 
> do not cooperate well (or at all) with the Linux community to allow 
> suitable drivers to be created alongside new models. However, the 
> Linux community uses a lot of effort to create as many drivers as 
> possible asap using all sorts of techniques, although the work can 
> take months or more.

You are absolutely right.

Writing drivers without any documentation is a challenge!

It took me over one year to find the decompression algorithm for the 
Pixart PAC7302 based webcams.


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