No more "me too" posts.

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Feb 5 21:26:25 UTC 2009

> No, it doesn't, but when you go to a list with people who help others
> and say your glablabber isn't installing with an error about the
> libtibbop and thirty others start "me to-ing" and "This happened to me
> over quinty months ago", then you generally have an idea that
> a) you're not alone
> b) others have tried, and apparently failed, to solve the issue
> c) you're probably kinda screwed.
> And sometimes it's best not to be left wondering.

So when someone else couldn't fix the problem, that means that I
should just give up because there is no fix?

> What's useful is what's often used in reviews and board forums; a way to
> simply have "26 others found this useful", or something of that
> nature...a rating system.

Not on a mailing list.

> I don't think he's saying that others should get help only if it's
> widespread...I think it sounds like he's saying it's a forum for someone
> to see it and say "we've got thirty people with XYZ issue so it should
> be a priority," even though I don't know how many, if any, developers
> are actually paying attention to these forums.
> But it probably makes the end user feel a *little* better about their
> situation and/or signal that maybe they need to consider moving on to
> try some other hardware/software, or a different OS, depending on
> severity or irritation level.

I would feel a 'little' better if the two helpful posts were not
buried in 17 me-too posts when I have to STFA. Or do people not do
that anymore?

Dotan Cohen


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