A question about anacron (ubuntu 8.10)

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Thu Feb 5 17:56:57 UTC 2009

On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 10:43:00AM -0700, Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 17:07 +0000, Chris G wrote:
> > What I can't find is a detailed description of what anacron does, e.g.
> > *which* cron jobs it will run 'late' and whether it picks up user cron
> > jobs as well as the ones in /etc/cron.xxx.
> The jobs it runs 'late' are specified in the /etc/anacrontab file.  It
> appears the default for the daily jobs is to run them if they have not
> been run in the past day and delay for 5 minutes.  It does not pick up
> user cron entries.

Thank you, I'd started by looking at that file but should have
returned to it. It's all fairly straightforward on a second look.

Chris Green

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