Looking for volunteers for Ubuntututor Project (video tutor)

Allen Meyers texas.chef94 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 12:31:02 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Dill <sarpulhu at gmail.com> wrote:
> As posted in the forum as well. Not sure really to ask.
> What is Ubuntututor?
> It is a collection of videos (or screencasts) on YouTube that teaches
> Ubuntu users how to perform tasks on their computer, from the very
> basic to the advanced. The videos are actual recordings of someone
> doing a computer task and explaining what they are doing as they go.
> By watching someone do the task on video, there is less chance of
> confusion and the user will find that it's easier and quicker than
> reading a long paragraph on how to do it. It's great for people not
> comfortable with computers. The videos are listed on the YouTube
> channel "ubuntututor" and sorted based of the task the user wants to
> do. By searching YouTube a Ubuntu user should be able to find a video
> that explains what they want to do. Under each video there will also
> be a place where people can comment and offer tips or extra advice.
> The Ubuntu community could even reply to the videos with screencasts
> of their own with alternate advice or more information. The videos are
> all done by volunteers for free and can be viewed by anyone, anytime.
> All the videos that are part of the Ubuntututor project will be at:
> http://www.youtube.com/user/ubuntututor
> All the videos will be added to the "Favorites".
> see: http://sites.google.com/site/videoubuntututor/Home for the
> starting out page and
> http://sites.google.com/site/videoubuntututor/make is you want to help
> out!
> I'm stuck behind a really SLOW modem right now so I haven't been able
> to upload any yet. Any one else interested in making videos? Good Idea
> or Not?
> (For those who wonder why not use the existing screencast page - it's
> out of date, doesn't have reply or comment features like YouTube,
> people are familiar with YouTube and can make a whole video and upload
> it in under half an hour, using YouTube we will get a larger audience
> and allows each volunteer to maintain their own videos)
> --
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Dill or anyone who might assist me.
when I click on this: http://www.youtube.com/user/ubuntututor
I am lost. I see nowhere to sign into yourtube or to access videos. I
am not the most proficient user, but I am very interested in these
videos that could indeed make me more proficient. Someone please
advise this challenged almost 80 year old. Thanks

Allen Meyers
texas.chef94 at gmail.com

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