Problem with Firefox

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Feb 5 03:10:12 UTC 2009

On 02/04/2009 05:51 PM, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> David Tuñón wrote:
>>     I had this problem a few days ago. A quick solution (but not the
>>     best, you will lose all you firefox config) is to remove the
>>     .firefox folder. 
>> Sorry, the folder is: ~/.mozilla/firefox
> You can just move the folder instead (e.g. move ~/.mozilla to
> ~/.mozilla.bak).  That way, it is still possible to selectively restore
> settings.
> Matt Flaschen

It's always better to move to something wrapped in <somevariable> other
than .bak. I recomend moving to something like x-.mozilla-x rather than
.mozilla.bak. I forget the exact reason now, but I seem to remember that
some mozilla chrome/jar/plugins didn't respect the rename and would run
anyway. Also, renaming it that way makes it easy to find later.

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