Sites that require Internet Explorer

Pete Holsberg pjh42 at
Thu Feb 5 01:46:48 UTC 2009

steve has written on 2/1/2009 4:49 PM:
> Pete Holsberg wrote:
>>>> Do you have a citation for that Homeland Security recommendation?    
>>> it was a few years ago, but in my eyes still holds true today. 
>> And what do you base THAT on?
>> Thanks
> wow, well that almost doesnt dignify a response but I just cant resist
> lol.

Well, on one of the reported sites, I found this:

"Users from 68 countries have rated their browser experience and sent 
uTest on the most bugs in the top three Web browsers.  Internet Explorer 
8, Firefox 3.1 and Google Chrome were on the list.

"Over the course of one week, 672 bugs were found across all three 
browsers.  IE8 came in with 169 bugs, Firefox with 207 bugs and Chrome 
with 297 bugs.  A minority of the faults were found to cause browsers to 
cease functioning completely (lock up or crash)."

Almost all of the results returned were from blogs or personal websites 
or forums -- in other words, one guy with a grudge. I'm not saying that 
IE is a good browser but I don't find reports of security problems lately.

Chacon a son gout!

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