Flickering video on Asus motherboard with ATI video

myself myself.fmkv at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 00:29:14 UTC 2009

>>> invest in a low cost ATI grafics-card?
>> I do not think that throwing hardware at the problem is the solution.
i'm using proprietary fglrx driver (8.54.3) and i have video flickering too (xv) on my ATI 
RV630 [Radeon HD 2600XT] but only when i enable the "visual effects"
when the effects are disabled then all seems be fine

so i think that's a bug is somewhere else (maybe in the proprietary fglrx driver)

>>> They are very cheap, yet their performance is way beyond chipset graphics.
>> Not here. It would cost me more than a day's work.
me too :(

> well, I looked and the cheapest one I found here in germany via the 
> internet is an
> Sapphire HD3450 (Light-Retail, TV-Out, DVI) for 30€ + transportation.
> How much is this board at the place where you live?
the price of this card in Czech Republic is pretty the same

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