Open Source training videos for Ubuntu Certified Professional

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at
Tue Feb 3 13:25:21 UTC 2009

Johann Spies wrote:
> I have downloaded and unpacked them and now I have 
> -rw-r--r--  1 js   js         2070 2008-12-29 01:13 Readme.nfo
> -rw-r--r--  1 js   js           75 2008-12-29 16:53 i-vubcert.cue
> -rw-r--r--  1 js   js    418206768 2008-12-29 16:53 i-vubcert.bin
> So what do I do with it. Both vlc and mplayer don't know what to do
> with it. You said it is a video.  What do you play it with?

cue and bin files are CD image files, or components thereof. Google is 
generally quite helpful here.

Avi Greenbury ;)

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