md5 on a mac

Karsten Brenneman flatfoothorse at
Mon Feb 2 00:38:05 UTC 2009

I have downloaded Ubuntu a number of times each file is exactly 698.8Mb (732,766,208 bytes).  i tried using disk utility to do that dm5 checksum but i am only able to do crc-32 and the result is always: Checksum of “ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386(2).iso” completed.
CRC32 $8992FDF8
i downloaded a app for my dashboard and i tried using that dm5 thing on all of the files but i'm pretty sure i am always getting a different series of number and letters and they never match the hash listed on ubuntu's list of hashes.  i don't want to waste any cd so i want to get it right the first time.  can anyone help?

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