Another reason to prefer a real root over sudo

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Feb 2 12:25:49 UTC 2009

Chris G wrote:
> I have just discovered another reason why I don't like sudo.
> I have just installed xubuntu 8.10 on my wife's machine (to replace XP).
> It has accounts for me and her and the children.  My account has sudo
> privileges. 
> When I want to install something I have to log out the current user
> (if it's not me) then log in as me, then I can run synaptic.  If it
> had a root account I could simply run synaptic and give the root
> password. 
> OK, it's not a disaster and there are several ways around the issue, I
> could give my wife's account sudo privileges or I could use apt-get from
> the command line (having changed user to me).  However none of them is
> particularly covenient and it's a pain if I want to install something
> to fix an immediate 'on screen' problem.
    Sounds to me like your wife or child wants to adjust their OWN 
computer, thank you.
There is no reason they can't be given sudo and let them do it. Why is 
it better to use "su" and become root?



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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