No more "me too" posts.

Chris Jones jonesc at
Mon Feb 2 12:23:12 UTC 2009


> I think there is a useful purpose in such posts - they provide evidence 
> that a particular problem is not specific to the OP (either hardware or 
> setup/config). I agree that a message with merely "me too" as content is 
> pretty much useless, but provided some information about the poster's 
> hardware, Ubuntu version and customizations (if any) are included then 
> this should be helpful for others trying to reproduce the problem (e.g 
> if a "me too" has my hardware - I should be able to reproduce - unless 
> the issue is setup/config, so yes, useful!)

I completely agree. I think a blanket ban on "me too" posts is 
unnecessary. Just use a little common sense as to whether your post is 
adding useful additional information or not.


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