Another reason to prefer a real root over sudo

Robert Parker rlp1938 at
Mon Feb 2 11:34:17 UTC 2009

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Chris G <cl at> wrote:
> I have just discovered another reason why I don't like sudo.
> I have just installed xubuntu 8.10 on my wife's machine (to replace XP).
> It has accounts for me and her and the children.  My account has sudo
> privileges.

You can 'sudo su -' if you desire and operate 24/7 that way if you
want. However the biggest security risk on your computer is you and on
my computer it is me.
Very experienced Linux admin types strongly recommend that you stick
with sudo if for no other reason that you get better logging using

Honestly you are complaining about stuff that takes a second or two
against keeping XP clean and secure which a friend of mine tells me
takes him hours per week (3 Win machines).

> When I want to install something I have to log out the current user
> (if it's not me) then log in as me, then I can run synaptic.  If it
> had a root account I could simply run synaptic and give the root
> password.
Actually I find apt-cache search <whatever> then apt-get install far
less cumbersome than synaptic anyway.

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