What is your price on a low-cost LINIX printer?
Pastor JW
pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Thu Dec 31 23:32:47 UTC 2009
On Thursday 31 December 2009 2:33:11 pm Steve Flynn wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 6:34 PM, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > And your confused Steve. There are no printers sold now that
> "You're".
Yeah, I was wondering why he was "his confused Steve" too! Odd, "your" shows
possession and "you're" is a contraction for "you are". Two completely
different meanings and completely impossible to confuse yet I have even seen
people who supposedly successfully completed the second grade get them
confused!! They're not even spelled vaguely alike!!
> > have a fixed font!!! My old Brother will print a picture and
> > has done that. I CAN change for paper size but the cheap HP
> > may not, but it prints in color, which mine does not.
> Where did he say anything at all about fixed font printers (by which I
> suspect you are referring to dot matrix printers)
No, you could actually send different font styles to a dot matrix printer, it
would be teletype or one of those obsolete typewriters which would be called
fixed font machines.
73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n>< PDGA# 35276
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