ubuntu 9.10 installation problem using wubi

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 31 20:52:56 UTC 2009

On 12/30/2009 07:55 PM, Mary John wrote:
> I tried to install ubuntu 9.10 ,as dual boot to a vista home premium
> desktop .From   iso imge from ubuntu site burned  to a cd  with help
> from nero ,then using wubi Itried to install ubuntu to E drive .First
> at the begining wubi started installing well , but suddenly the
> following message appeared and installation stopped              c:\
> users \ my user name \ appdata \ local \ temp \ wubi - 9,10 ubuntu 1 -
> rev 160 .log                                   I  am  a beginner  to
> linux  , and  I would be very much greatful if someone could help me
> to overcome this issue . Vista is functioning well and there is no
> other software or  hardware  issue  - ie memory 2Gb ,E drive fullly
> formatted

It sounds as if the install did not complete properly. You might try
uninstalling and reinstalling again (from the net rather than from an
iso). Perhaps these links will help:


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