another stupid q from a newbie

Fred Roller froller at
Thu Dec 31 19:37:08 UTC 2009

Adam Petty wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Fred Roller <froller at> wrote:
>> Welcome to Ubuntu Adam.  First, the only stupid question is the one
>> never asked; we have all been here.  Second, your question.
> Thanx
>> Yes, there is an easy solution(s) and Samba is one of them.  Do the
>> following:
>> On the first pc:
>>    right click your desktop->create new folder
>> name the new folder "Shared" (or whatever you like)
>>    right click "Shared" ->choose "Sharing Options"->check all three boxes
>> if you do /not/ have samba installed this will start automatically.
>> Once the installation is complete you may need to repeat the second
>> step.  The folder is sharing on the network.  Copy your file to this folder.
>> On the second pc:
>> goto:
>>       Places->Network->[1st pc name]->Shared
>> Copy your file to the 2nd pc.  You are done.
>> The shared folder is wide open on the network.  As you go, you will
>> learn how to tighten security to your needs.  Right now, this is just
>> quick and dirty.  Let us know if you need any more help.
> I'd rather have access to the whole drive on the remove computer. This
> way I can copy it to the final destination right off the bat. I assume
> you can share the whole drive by sharing the "/media/drive name here"
> folder. correct?
hmm, well I use SSH to accomplish this on my network.  In both machines 
open a terminal and type:

    sudo apt-get install ssh

once both have the program installed then from either system:

    Places->Connect to Server...

In descending order of the pop up window

    Service type: SSH
    Server: [ip of the pc you are connecting to]
    User Name: user1
    Add Bookmark: [check this]
    Bookmark name: otherpcname

click connect.
This method is good for linux to linux systems, so windows will be left 
out of this game.
 This should prompt you for a password and you are in the system and 
should give you what you are looking for with out a lot of hassle.  If 
you need a collaborative storage space for all the systems, then I 
recommend using one of the pc's as a NAS with the first method. 


"Life is like linux, simple.  If you are fighting it you are doing something wrong."

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