How to add EXIF dates to scanned photos or negative JPGs [SOLVED]

Kim Briggs patiodragon at
Thu Dec 31 19:08:36 UTC 2009

Hi List,

I am posting a link to a script I came up with to add Exif meta-data
to JPG files.  I searched for a while on the web and found nothing
right away.  I also had a hard time adding the "created date" to the
file so that it would be seen under MS Windows (it reads a different
field).  If there is an easier way, please send a reply, but I'm very
happy with the results that I came up with.  Constructive criticism

You can use this as a "newbie" as well as long as you work on only
copies of your images.  The script runs in a terminal, but you are
prompted for the data you need to provide.


PS  I don't see all the messages on this list.  If you have a
correction or question, please consider adding my personal email
patiodragon "at" gmail "dot" com. Thanks.

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