another stupid q from a newbie

Fred Roller froller at
Thu Dec 31 14:19:58 UTC 2009

Adam Petty wrote:
> real simple I am sure but I cant workout the best way to do it
> I have 2 ubuntu 9.10 machines and I would like to copy a file from one
> to the other. My preferred method would be a gui but I am not afraid
> of the command line. I thought of using Somba but I think that is for
> windows machines (correct me if I am wrong and I will go away a happy
> idiot) and there has to be someway built in to linux to do the copy. I
> use nautilus for my file manager and would like to continue that way
> if possible.
> Like I said I am sure its something really stupid and basic.
Welcome to Ubuntu Adam.  First, the only stupid question is the one 
never asked; we have all been here.  Second, your question.

Yes, there is an easy solution(s) and Samba is one of them.  Do the 

On the first pc:

    right click your desktop->create new folder

name the new folder "Shared" (or whatever you like)

    right click "Shared" ->choose "Sharing Options"->check all three boxes

if you do /not/ have samba installed this will start automatically.  
Once the installation is complete you may need to repeat the second 
step.  The folder is sharing on the network.  Copy your file to this folder.

On the second pc:

       Places->Network->[1st pc name]->Shared

Copy your file to the 2nd pc.  You are done.

The shared folder is wide open on the network.  As you go, you will 
learn how to tighten security to your needs.  Right now, this is just 
quick and dirty.  Let us know if you need any more help.


"Life is like linux, simple.  If you are fighting it you are doing something wrong."

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