How do i know whether my NIC works or not?

Christian Schult cschult at
Thu Dec 31 07:39:39 UTC 2009

Hello arshad,

What Ubuntu version are you running, what is your kernel version? Which
kernel modul is loaded with your NIC?

$ cat /etc/issue

$ uname -r

$ lsmod | grep r8

$ lspci -v -s 03:00

Support for your NIC is in linux since kernel 2.6.28, if i googled it
right. Maybe there's a problem with that modul or with hardware

Perhaps you can replace the NIC with another model just for testing

Btw.: comment out the lines belonging to eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces
if you want to configure the NIC with network-manager again (that GUI
thing you used before).


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