'GRUB Loading' error message

Jonesy gmane at jonz.net
Wed Dec 30 17:01:17 UTC 2009

On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 06:05:41 -0800 (PST), ganapkg wrote:
> I have a laptop that runs Windows XP.
> I had installed Ubuntu 9.10 in the laptop via CD. Upon succcessful
> installation my laptop restarted.
> A 'GRUB Loading' message appears and my laptops reboots  by itself.
> I am using a dual-boot system.
> I am unable to boot into both my Windows and Ubuntu anymore. I hope that
> someone could assist me with this issue.

<aol> Me, too! </aol>

( OBTW, before I forget -- Happy New Year everyone. )

The description in the OP is a little vague, but I think my problem(s) 
are the same.

I have two systems with the problem: one workstation ubuntu 9.10 and one 
netbook kubuntu 9.10.  The netbook came with kubuntu installed.  I 
installed ubnutu on the workstation myself.  (Not that the [.]ubuntu 
flavour should have diddly squat to do with grub 2's booting...)

When booting, grub 2 flashes "Grub loading" briefly and then goes on to 
boot the default _without_ displaying the menu choices (a back-level 
kernel, the failsafe option for both kernels, and memtest86.)

On the workstation I've putzed with grub 2's settings in 
`startupmanager` -- even setting the delay to 60 seconds.  No joy.

How to proceed?

  Marvin L Jones    | jonz          | W3DHJ  | linux
   38.24N  104.55W  |  @ config.com | Jonesy |  OS/2
    * Killfiling google & XXXXbanter.com: jonz.net/ng.htm

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