Printing in Ubuntu

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Wed Dec 30 16:47:45 UTC 2009

Bas Roufs wrote:
>>>> Is it possible to print from jEdit in Ubuntu? (...)
>>> Can you print from any other application? (...)
>> Yes I can and I can print from jEdit on other OS's.
> You misunderstand the  'Can you print.... '  question above. Try to print
> via Ubuntu from some other software package: by example OpenOffice, Firefox
> or some PDF reader. If you manage to print from any  other software running
> on Ubuntu, jEdit should print as well.
> If you keep experiencing the same or a similar problem, install the right
> printer driver via SYSTEM SETTINGS >>> 'printer configuration'.
> I hope this helps.  Respectfully yours,
> Bas.

I understood but maybe I was too brief with my reply.  Yes I can print 
from all the apps you mentioned.  I intended sending the original 
message to the jEdit users list but made a mistake and sent it here. 
When I noticed the message show up here I didn't know if I could cancel 
it so I just hoped a jEdit/Ubuntu user may see it and have some insight 
into my problem.

Regards,  Jim

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