linux printers for sale

Steve yorvik.ubunto at
Tue Dec 29 17:38:13 UTC 2009

On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 17:06:15 -0000, Arthur H. Johnson II  
<arthur.johnson at> wrote:

> On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 10:01 -0700, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> 	I discovered WindowsXP does not have ANY drivers for
>> motherboard things and printers and mouse and keyboard! You
>> HAVE to have that cd-rom that comes with the printer or it
>> will never work.
>> 	Ubuntu 9.10 has the drivers on board. It is a major problem
>> for Ubuntu but it is solved.
>> 73 Karl
> I set up my mother in law with a ubuntu machine with spare parts I had
> laying around.  My sister in law brought over a printer, plugged it in,
> and away they went.  She's never used Linux before.
> So yeah, I think Ubuntu is a lot easier than Windows.
An awful lot of printers 'work' with Linux but, the drivers are rather  
limited for some.  You can’t change print resolution, B/W Colour, monitor  
ink levels or change trays with a some of them.  At least with Windows you  
get a driver from the manufacturer in the box with the printer.  You also  
get a driver for OSX with a lot as well and as Apple own then CUPS system  
they really ought to be encouraging those manufacturers to provide better  
drivers for all.
I’ve sometimes wondered if the Mac drivers would work with Linux, anybody  


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