Decompressing .tar.xz

Christian Pleul chrisptex at
Tue Dec 29 17:36:58 UTC 2009

Am 29.12.2009 um 18:10 schrieb Mihamina Rakotomandimby:

>> hanifa hanujan <talvigi at> : 
>> i suggest you to rename the file as *.tar.gz OR * it may work
>> for you 
> Idiot + stupid.
> And for your information:

I downloaded the deb-file, but during installation it recommends to install the software from a channel.
Same version is available in a software channel...
Sorry, but I am quite new to Ubuntu. What channel I have to use and how? In the Synaptic Package Manager "xz-utils" is not shown.


-Because I'm the CEO, and I think it can be done.-

Steve Jobs, 2005

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